Oil on Canvas
If a cat is a diagram and pattern of subtle air,
then a fish is the movement of water embodied, given shape.*
Doris Lessing
2007 Nobel Prize Laureate (Literature)
* paraphrased to reverse the sequence
Many … go fishing all of their lives without knowing that
it is not fish they are after.
Henry David Thoreau
Calling fishing a hobby is like calling brain surgery a job.
Paul Schullery
contemporary conservationist, writer, and scholar
Swimming Lionfish
31.5 x 21.5 in
Art as an Oasis™
Art as an Oasis is a series of occasional postings from the art of Carrie Kleinberger
providing a temporary respite from both mundane and monumental cares
complimented by words of wisdom from a diversity of others.
~ with reference to the Minnesota fishing opener 2020 ~`
#fishingopenner #fishing #fishart #colorfulfish #oceanlife #lakelife #mnartists #marineart #water #imaginativerealism #lionfish #oiilaintersofamerica #ateliertrained #atelier #the_atelier_mpls #artsandliterature #womeninthearts #dorislessing #dorisslessingquote #mnartist #henrydavidthoreau #thoreauquotes #paulschullery #literature #arts #conservation #wordsofwisdom #artcollector #smokedfish #carolynkleinberger