Artist's Statement:
At the other end of the day from the breakfast in Tuesday's painting, and across an ocean and a gulf from Cornwall - a dinner of fine oysters served late at night in Mexico City.
And an artistic contrast: between the soft waterlines of the oysters and the tough hardness of the shells.
Oil on Wood Panel
5 x 5 in
- food, glorious food -
musical based loosely on Dickens' Oliver Twist
Words to live by and also the number one reason
to order oysters right this instant.
The ritual of the lemon squeeze, the quick sauce pour,
and the hint of brine at the slurp
sets our minds at ease.
Bon Appetit
culinary magazine
An oyster, that marvel of delicacy, that concentration of sapid excellence,
that mouthful before all other mouthfuls, who first had faith to believe it,
and courage to execute? - the exterior is not persuasive.
Henry Ward Beecher
minister, leading abolitionist
"Honey" - Mrs. Mielswetzski leaned in and grabbed Charlotte's hands -
". . . You're so bright and talented. You can do whatever you set your mind on doing.
The whole world is your oyster." Charlotte signed inwardly.
She knew her mother was serious when she started referring to shellfish . . .
What's so great about the world being your oyster?
Does that mean, it's really hard to open, and
when you do, you have something slimy and gross on the inside?
Anne Ursu
The Shadow Thieves
Art as an Oasis™
Art as an Oasis is a series of occasional postings from the art of Carrie Kleinberger
providing a temporary respite from both mundane and monumental cares
complimented by words of wisdom from a diversity of others.